October 23, 2009

To Knit or Not to Knit

What do you do with an awful, rainy, windy, down right nasty day? That was my question. I spent the morning out in what could only be called "The Worst Fall Day EVER!". By the time I got home I was ready for my jammies and a nap. Something about the cold just makes me sleepy.

Unfortunately there were chores to be done and lunch to be made so the nap was not meant to be. After lunch though I was left with not much ambition and too much time. I could look around at all the things that needed to be done, but honestly, I was ready for a day off. Why not curl up on the couch with a knitting project and watch a movie with the kids.

Picking the movie was easy. We quickly agreed on Journey to the Center of the Earth (Brendon Fraser version). It's a family favorite that has a little something for everyone, dinosaur for Nick, Brendon for mommy ;)

Now the hard part was deciding on a knitting project to work on. Actually I thought picking would be easy as I already had a project in mind, but as it turned out my knitting was hiding in a dark corner laughing at me.

See, I don't knit much in the summer. Mostly it's because I don't sit still long enough with everything going on here. So those winter projects that aren't quite done sit in my office waiting for me to pick them up again in the fall.

I went in my office to find the shawl I was thinking of, but before I found it I found a pair of socks, a scarf, a blanket, a different shawl, a table runner and a pair of gloves. Boy, I'm naughty. No wonder my husband gives me that look every time I set my knitting down. Apparently I have a problem finishing projects.

I did finally find the shawl I was looking for and even with all my other choices I still chose it. Thank goodness I was at least bright enough to mark where I had left off because it was a pretty complicated lace pattern (complicated for me anyway). I sat down and knit the next row and what do you know, it worked! Everything lined up so I guess I was on the right row.

What a cool picture emerging!

Now how long do you think it'll take me to finish it? Thanksgiving, Christmas, next summer? I hope not, but I've given myself a very reasonable deadline of Easter since it's kind of Spring-ish. I'll let you know how it goes. In the meantime I need to do something with all those other unfinished projects so they'll stop taunting me every time I walk by my office.

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