November 30, 2010
November 29, 2010
Recipe of the Week -- Pumpkin Roll

Hi! I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Did you score some great shopping deals?
This week's recipe is probably my most requested recipe. I make it often during the holiday season and it's my go to recipe when I have to take a dessert to a potluck.
Back many years ago when I was just a newlywed, I was at a church potluck and sampled this wonderful dessert. It was love at first bite! Unfortunately I couldn't find the baker of this delightful dish so I came home and searched online for a recipe. (This was nearly 12 years ago so the internet wasn't as nice and easy to use back then).
I did finally find one that was close and with a little tweaking this pumpkin roll was born.

Pumpkin Roll
3 eggs
1 cup sugar
2/3 cup canned 100% pure pumpkin
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
3/4 cup flour
1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese
4 tbls. butter, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Also needed:
Wax paper
clean linen towel (NOT terry cloth)
powdered sugar
- In a large bowl, beat eggs and sugar. Beat in remaining cake ingredients.
- Grease a 10x15" jelly roll pan. Line pan with wax paper, then grease and lightly flour the paper.
- Pour batter into the pan and spread evenly. Bake at 350* for 15 minutes.
- While cake is baking, sprinkle powdered sugar over the towel using a sieve or sifter.
- Turn hot cake onto the towel. Remove wax paper. Trim off burnt or crusty edges.
- Sprinkle more powdered sugar over the hot cake and quickly roll up cake (long edge to long edge) with towel.
- Let cake cool completely. About 30 minutes.
- Meanwhile, prepare filling by beating together all ingredients until smooth.
- Carefully unroll cake and spread with filling.
- Roll up cake with filling inside. Slice when ready to serve.
For more great recipes visit Two For Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesdays, What's Cooking Wednesday and Tuesdays at the Table.
November 25, 2010
Crafty Friday 11/26
Do you have something to share? Let us know what you’re working on this week! It can be photos of a project, instructions, recipes, or anything else you feel is "crafty". If you have something to share with us on your blog, add your link to the current week's party. Just please be sure to:
If you want to play along don't forget to grab a button to place at the top or bottom of your post to show you are participating in Crafty Fridays!
Simply copy the code below in the box and paste where you can edit the html in your blog post.
- Add the permalink to the specific blog post, not your general blog address in the Mister Linky form below (need help with finding the permalink? (click here to see a great post Darcy wrote on this!)
- Include in your blog entry a link back to the party post on this blog! so that your readers can come and see what everyone else is working on today and have an opportunity to contribute! You can use the code below to add the button to your posts or blog if you'd like.
- Visit as many of the other participants as possible and leave comments! That’s what makes a party fun!! You don't want to come to a party and have no one talk to you!!
- Let me know if you have any questions, problems or need help!
If you want to play along don't forget to grab a button to place at the top or bottom of your post to show you are participating in Crafty Fridays!
Simply copy the code below in the box and paste where you can edit the html in your blog post.

November 23, 2010
November 22, 2010
From the Archives - Chocolate Pecan Pie
I'm bringing back a favorite for Thanksgiving. I make this every year and it's my absolute fave pie! It's hard to even imagine Thanksgiving without it.

Chocolate Pecan Pie
3 eggs
1 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup pecan halves, coarsely chopped
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chunks
1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell
In a medium bowl, combine eggs, corn syrup, sugar, butter and vanilla with a whisk. Stir in pecans. Sprinkle chocolate chunks over the bottom of the pie shell. Pour pecan mixture over the chocolate chunks in the pie shell.
Bake at 350* for 50-55 minutes. Cool on wire rack for 2 hours; refrigerate until serving time.

Chocolate Pecan Pie
3 eggs
1 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup pecan halves, coarsely chopped
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chunks
1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell
In a medium bowl, combine eggs, corn syrup, sugar, butter and vanilla with a whisk. Stir in pecans. Sprinkle chocolate chunks over the bottom of the pie shell. Pour pecan mixture over the chocolate chunks in the pie shell.
Bake at 350* for 50-55 minutes. Cool on wire rack for 2 hours; refrigerate until serving time.
Recipe of the Week -- How To Roast a Stuffed Turkey

Does the thought of roasting a turkey make you feel like hyperventilating? It shouldn't. It's not as difficult as you may think. It's like baking a large chicken. Really.
You will need:
1 turkey
Prepared stuffing
Roasting pan with rack
meat thermometer
Aluminum foil (optional)

By now I hope you've already purchased your Thanksgiving turkey and have it thawing in the fridge. It takes 1 day for every 4 pounds of turkey to thaw. That means that if your turkey weighs in at 20 pounds it'll take 5 days to thaw.
Now don't panic if your super large turkey isn't thawing out yet. You can thaw it faster. It just requires a lot of work and attention.
To speed thaw your turkey you are going to have to take over your sink. Leaving your turkey in it's original packaging (with no rips or tears), place the turkey in the sink and fill it with cold water. Please do not fill your sink and then put the turkey in. You'll be mopping your floor if you do.
It'll take about 30 minutes for every pound of turkey and you will have to change the water often to keep it cold. And if your turkey can not be completely submerged in the water, flip it over often so no part of the turkey warms beyond the temp of the water.
Now that your turkey is thawed you can cook it on the big day.
- Remove the gibblets from the neck cavity and discard. Rinse the turkey in and out with cold water and pat dry.
- Stuff the turkey just before roasting not ahead of time. Fill the neck with stuffing first. Fasten the neck skin to the back of the turkey with a skewer. Fold the wings across the back so the tips are touching. Fill the body cavity lightly with stuffing. Stuffing expands during cooking so do not over stuff! Tuck the drumsticks under the band of skin at the tail.
- Place the turkey, breast side up, on a rack in a roasting pan. Do not add water or cover the turkey. You can loosely tent aluminum foil over the turkey later if you feel it's browning too quickly (I never have).
- Roast the turkey at 325* according to the following time table.
- 8 to 12 pounds - 3 to 3 1/2 hours
- 12 to 14 pounds - 3 1/2 to 4 hours
- 14 to 18 pounds - 4 to 4 1/4 hours
- 18 to 20 pounds - 4 1/4 to 4 3/4 hours
- 20 to 24 pounds - 4 3/4 to 5 1/4 hours
When the turkey is done, remove it from the oven and let it stand 15 minutes before carving it.
Now go ahead and dazzle everyone with your amazing Thanksgiving turkey!
T Minus 3 Days and Counting

Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Are you ready to prepare that lavish feast for all your family to enjoy?
I am, but please don't hate me. I do this every year and I've got a routine going now that works for me. Maybe it'll help you too.
I went grocery shopping last week. I made an extensive list based on each dish I was to prepare and then kind of smooshed it together. For example, I need so much cream cheese for this dish and so much cream cheese for that dish so on my list I've combined them for a grand total of cream cheese needed.
I thought I'd made it through the store without forgetting anything, but it turned out that I had forgotten the potatoes. How?? I have no idea, but I ended up needing to go back to town for something else anyway so I got the potatoes.
Over the weekend I got the turkeys thawing (yes that really is plural) and plugged in my cooler/fridge. It's one of those coolers that plug into a car, but I have an adapter that allows it to plug into the house. Makes a great back up fridge when the holidays come around. All the non-holiday items go into it.
The schedule for the rest of the week looks like this. I've found that if I just spread the work out over a few days it's not bad.
Today (Monday) I will spend catching up on laundry and dishes.
Tuesday I will clean house. It is so much easier to get the house clean now and just have the kids do a quick pickup and run the vaccuum Thursday morning before people show up.
Wednesday will be baking day. All the desserts can be made ahead of time and then placed in the now mostly empty fridge for the big day.
Wednesday night I get the turkey roasters, utensils, stuffing ingredients and any else I need for that early morning turkey cooking and place them on the counter (or fridge). That way I am not searching for things at the last minute.
Thursday morning comes way too early, but I get up and with the help of the hubby, we get the turkey in the oven and get on with the day. I am sooo not a morning person.
I spend the next bit of time rearranging furniture, getting out the tables and finding all the silverware.
At some point in the morning I also make the mashed potatoes. Did you know that mashed potatoes keep really well in a slow cooker until it's time to eat? They'll keep up to about 4 hours or so.
With the mashed potatoes already made, the tables set and the turkey cooking, I'm left with only heating the veggies and making the gravy at dinner time. These are both simple things and means that I'm not spending the entire time in the kitchen while guest are arriving.
So how to your prep for Thanksgiving?
November 18, 2010
Crafty Friday 11/19
Do you have something to share? Let us know what you’re working on this week! It can be photos of a project, instructions, recipes, or anything else you feel is "crafty". If you have something to share with us on your blog, add your link to the current week's party. Just please be sure to:
If you want to play along don't forget to grab a button to place at the top or bottom of your post to show you are participating in Crafty Fridays!
Simply copy the code below in the box and paste where you can edit the html in your blog post.
- Add the permalink to the specific blog post, not your general blog address in the Mister Linky form below (need help with finding the permalink? (click here to see a great post Darcy wrote on this!)
- Include in your blog entry a link back to the party post on this blog! so that your readers can come and see what everyone else is working on today and have an opportunity to contribute! You can use the code below to add the button to your posts or blog if you'd like.
- Visit as many of the other participants as possible and leave comments! That’s what makes a party fun!! You don't want to come to a party and have no one talk to you!!
- Let me know if you have any questions, problems or need help!
If you want to play along don't forget to grab a button to place at the top or bottom of your post to show you are participating in Crafty Fridays!
Simply copy the code below in the box and paste where you can edit the html in your blog post.

November 17, 2010
My Name in Lights!....Sort of
That feeling was recently eclipsed when I opened my current issue
I know that it was just pages of showing the conference winners, but still...it's exciting. This magazine is available on newstands to the public and my name is in it! My alpacas too!
November 16, 2010
November 15, 2010
Recipe of the Week -- German Potato Casserole

I don't know what the weather's like where you are, but fall has definitely returned here. Brrr. At least there's none of that white stuff yet.
The chill in the air has put me in a comfort food mood though and this casserole really hits the spot. It works great as a side dish to just about any roast, ham or chicken.
Don't let the hard boiled egg freak you out. It's really, really yummy in this (provided you actually like hard boiled eggs of course!).
Oh, this probably isn't the healthiest dish in the world, but what comfort food is ever good for you? :o)
German Potato Casserole
2 1/2 lbs. red potatoes, unpeeled, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1/2 lb. bacon, diced
6 hard boiled eggs, chopped
3 green onions, chopped
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
3/4 cup mayo or miracle whip
1 tbls. balsamic vinegar
1 tbls. Worcestershire sauce
1/2 lb. Velveeta, cubed
Place potatoes in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and cook 15-20 minutes or until tender; drain. (Don't overcook!!)
Meanwhile, in a skillet, cook bacon over medium heat until crisp. Using a slotted spoon, remove bacon to a paper towels.
In a large bowl, gently toss the potatoes, bacon, eggs, onions and cheese. In a small bowl, combine mayo, vinegar, worcestershire sauce, salt and pepper; add to potato mixture and toss to coat.
Place the potato mixture in a greased 2 quart casserole dish. Bake uncovered at 350* for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown and bubbly.
For more great recipes visit Two For Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesdays, What's Cooking Wednesday and Tuesdays at the Table.
Where Do You Homeschool?
I know it's a funny question because the obvious answer is home, but where in your home do your kids do their work?
I tried for years to make a school space. I even had a school room for one school year, but finally gave up because no matter what, the kids always ended up somewhere else.
It wasn't their fault either. There was always a good reason. Sometimes it was because the light was better elsewhere. Other times it was because I needed to be in another room, but the kids needed my help.
I've finally decided that we have a central place for school books and such and the kids can do their work wherever they land. Generally this is the kitchen table, but not always.
This is where I found them a couple days ago.
I tried for years to make a school space. I even had a school room for one school year, but finally gave up because no matter what, the kids always ended up somewhere else.
It wasn't their fault either. There was always a good reason. Sometimes it was because the light was better elsewhere. Other times it was because I needed to be in another room, but the kids needed my help.
I've finally decided that we have a central place for school books and such and the kids can do their work wherever they land. Generally this is the kitchen table, but not always.
This is where I found them a couple days ago.
November 12, 2010
4-H Veterans Day Project
We planned this service project months ago so it was just a happy coincidence that this month's meeting fell on Veteran's Day.
With the holidays fast approaching, the kids voted on making cards for veterans and servicemen. I've never seen them so quiet and work so hard.
November 11, 2010
Crafty Friday 11/12
Do you have something to share? Let us know what you’re working on this week! It can be photos of a project, instructions, recipes, or anything else you feel is "crafty". If you have something to share with us on your blog, add your link to the current week's party. Just please be sure to:
If you want to play along don't forget to grab a button to place at the top or bottom of your post to show you are participating in Crafty Fridays!
Simply copy the code below in the box and paste where you can edit the html in your blog post.
- Add the permalink to the specific blog post, not your general blog address in the Mister Linky form below (need help with finding the permalink? (click here to see a great post Darcy wrote on this!)
- Include in your blog entry a link back to the party post on this blog! so that your readers can come and see what everyone else is working on today and have an opportunity to contribute! You can use the code below to add the button to your posts or blog if you'd like.
- Visit as many of the other participants as possible and leave comments! That’s what makes a party fun!! You don't want to come to a party and have no one talk to you!!
- Let me know if you have any questions, problems or need help!
If you want to play along don't forget to grab a button to place at the top or bottom of your post to show you are participating in Crafty Fridays!
Simply copy the code below in the box and paste where you can edit the html in your blog post.

November 10, 2010
CSN Stores Review Coming Soon!
This has been an exciting week so far!
I was recently contacted again by CSN stores to review a product from any one of their more than 200 stores! CSN has just about anything you could possibly imagine from cookware to outdoor furniture and even bathroom furniture! How cool is that?
Now my big problem is what to review. Obviously with the holidays coming I should think about Christmas gifts, but what about other holiday needs? I know I need a new turkey roaster, but maybe something for all that holiday entertaining or maybe something to decorate with?
Hmmm....tough decisions. You'll be the first to know when I decide and I'll have that review up in plenty of time for you to complete your holiday shopping!
I was recently contacted again by CSN stores to review a product from any one of their more than 200 stores! CSN has just about anything you could possibly imagine from cookware to outdoor furniture and even bathroom furniture! How cool is that?
Now my big problem is what to review. Obviously with the holidays coming I should think about Christmas gifts, but what about other holiday needs? I know I need a new turkey roaster, but maybe something for all that holiday entertaining or maybe something to decorate with?
Hmmm....tough decisions. You'll be the first to know when I decide and I'll have that review up in plenty of time for you to complete your holiday shopping!
November 09, 2010
November 08, 2010
Recipe of the Week -- Nearly Crustless Pumpkin Pie

When I think of Thanksgiving I always think of pumpkin pie first. Since I was little, I always tried to snitch a piece before the meal. I don't remember ever succeeding, but I did try. And I would always save room at dinner to make sure I could shovel in the pumpkin pie.
When I went out into the world on my own, I knew I had to learn how to make one. I've never been big on store bought crusts, but at that point in my life I wasn't so good at making my own. Then I stumbled across this amazingly simple crust for my pumpkin pie. (I've never tried it on any other pie so I'm not sure if it would work on anything else)
It's a pie crust that you just press into the pan. Similar to a graham cracker I guess, but without all the crumbs. It won't give you one of those picture perfect pies with pretty fluted pie crust edges, but it will taste spectacular and you can tell everyone you made it from scratch!

Pumpkin Pie
1 1/3 cups flour
1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tbls. cold water
Mix flour, oil and salt with a fork until flour is moistened. Add cold water slowly until all is absorbed. Press dough into 10" pie pan. (Your fingers work great for this, but I have also used a flat bottomed glass to get an even crust)
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1/8 tsp. ground cloves
1 can (16 oz.) 100% pure pumpkin
1 can (12 oz.) evaporated milk
Beat eggs in a large bowl. Beat in remaining ingredients until blended. Pour filling into crust. Bake 15 minutes at 450*. Reduce temp (without opening oven!) and bake for an additional 45 minutes. Let cool before serving.
For more great recipes visit Two For Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesdays, What's Cooking Wednesday and Tuesdays at the Table.
Double Sided Tape Winners!!!
November 04, 2010
Crafty Friday 11/5 - Craftiness and Tape
Hola Friday! Hmmm...that must be the Dora in me speaking. ;)
I can't believe it's Friday again already. And how the heck did it become November?? I guess that means that I better start thinking about the holidays. I am sooooo behind on my handmade present list.
Before Christmas comes along though, there is Thanksgiving to think about. I actually posted my crafty project a couple days ago. It's a great, super easy project for your Thanksgiving table. You can make cute little photo napkin rings to decorate the place settings at your family dinner. I think they are completely adorable!

The reason I posted this project a couple days ago was that along with the project I launched a great new giveaway. How would you like to win 5 rolls of Scotch double sided tape for the holidays? Really, how cool is that? All you have to do is leave a comment on the giveaway post telling us how you like to use Scotch tape.
So what have you been up to this week?
Do you have something to share? Let us know what you’re working on this week! It can be photos of a project, instructions, recipes, or anything else you feel is "crafty". If you have something to share with us on your blog, add your link to the current week's party. Just please be sure to:
If you want to play along don't forget to grab a button to place at the top or bottom of your post to show you are participating in Crafty Fridays!
Simply copy the code below in the box and paste where you can edit the html in your blog post.
I can't believe it's Friday again already. And how the heck did it become November?? I guess that means that I better start thinking about the holidays. I am sooooo behind on my handmade present list.
Before Christmas comes along though, there is Thanksgiving to think about. I actually posted my crafty project a couple days ago. It's a great, super easy project for your Thanksgiving table. You can make cute little photo napkin rings to decorate the place settings at your family dinner. I think they are completely adorable!

The reason I posted this project a couple days ago was that along with the project I launched a great new giveaway. How would you like to win 5 rolls of Scotch double sided tape for the holidays? Really, how cool is that? All you have to do is leave a comment on the giveaway post telling us how you like to use Scotch tape.
So what have you been up to this week?
Do you have something to share? Let us know what you’re working on this week! It can be photos of a project, instructions, recipes, or anything else you feel is "crafty". If you have something to share with us on your blog, add your link to the current week's party. Just please be sure to:
- Add the permalink to the specific blog post, not your general blog address in the Mister Linky form below (need help with finding the permalink? (click here to see a great post Darcy wrote on this!)
- Include in your blog entry a link back to the party post on this blog! so that your readers can come and see what everyone else is working on today and have an opportunity to contribute! You can use the code below to add the button to your posts or blog if you'd like.
- Visit as many of the other participants as possible and leave comments! That’s what makes a party fun!! You don't want to come to a party and have no one talk to you!!
- Let me know if you have any questions, problems or need help!
If you want to play along don't forget to grab a button to place at the top or bottom of your post to show you are participating in Crafty Fridays!
Simply copy the code below in the box and paste where you can edit the html in your blog post.

November 03, 2010
A Thanksgiving Craft and Giveaway
Thanks to Scotch(R) Double Sided Tape for sponsoring my writing about crafts. Add your comment below to be entered for a chance to win free sample rolls to help with your upcoming holiday needs.
I can't believe it's November already! Where has 2010 gone? It's all good though because that means Thanksgiving is almost here!!
I love Thanksgiving. It has to be my absolute most favorite holiday. I think maybe because it centers around food and we all know I love food! I also have a great time decorating the table with lots of crafty things.
Making Thanksgiving crafts to decorate the table is a great way to get the kids involved. Normally I have them making hand turkeys and fall leaves out of construction paper, but this year I came across something a little different.
How about a cute napkin ring that doubles as a great conversation starter and a trip down memory lane. You could actually make these for any holiday or family get together, but they seem especially appropriate for Thanksgiving celebrations.
Do you have old family pictures around your house? Do you maybe have a box of them tucked away where no one has seen them in years? Have your kids ever seen what grandma looked like back in the day?
How about making Photo Napkin Rings!

Gather up some digital images of old photos or scan the old photos into the computer. Print each photo in the desired size (2 inches works great) and trim it into a square, then use double-sided tape or glue it to scrapbook paper and trim the paper to leave a 1/4-inch border on all sides. Cut a paper strip (1 3/4 by 8 inches) and tape the ends together making a ring shape. Use tape to attach the mounted photo to the ring. Insert a napkin into the ring and viola! You now have a great conversation starter for you meal.
Now the really fun part!! How would you like to win your own Scotch brand double sided tape? Two (2) lucky winners will each receive 5 rolls of Scotch Double Sided tape provided by 3M.
Here's the rules:
GIVEAWAY~ Two lucky readers will each win five (5) rolls of Scotch brand Double Sided tape provided by 3M.
Leave a comment on this blog post telling us what fun and great uses you have for Scotch tape.
*Please leave your email address in your comment so we can contact you*
(Please leave a comment with your extra entries)
~Tweet this or Facebook it, let me know (1 entry)
~Blog about this giveaway and leave a link in the comments (2 entries)
Giveaway will end November 7, 2010 at 11:59p.m. EST. Open to US residents, 18 years or older. Winner will be chosen using Random.org, notified by email, and will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen.
Please learn more about Scotch(R) Double Sided Tape and other Scotch(R) Products, and join the conversation on the Scotch(R) Brand Facebook Page and via Twitter. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses Blog With Integrity, as I do.
November 02, 2010
November 01, 2010
Recipe of the Week -- Marinated Thanksgiving Turkey
I thought I'd try something a little different for Thanksgiving this year. I always make just a plain roasted turkey for the meal (yummy!), but it gets a little but boring after awhile. I'm still going to make that plain turkey, but a smaller one and along with it will be this marinated turkey.
We previewed it last week along with a different stuffing recipe. The stuffing was only so-so, but the turkey was amazing! So juicy and delish! It was really very simple. The hardest part was finding a bag it fit in. Thank goodness for bigger ziploc bags!
I used a turkey breast when I made it and will probably do the same again for the holiday, but you can easily marinate a smallish whole turkey.

Marinated Turkey
2 cups water
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 cup soy sauce
2/3 cup lemon juice
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. pepper
1 small turkey or turkey breast (6-14 lbs.)
Combine all the ingredients except the turkey in a large resealable bag. Reserve 1 cup for basting. Add the turkey and seal bag; turn to coat. Refrigerate overnight, turning several times.
Remove turkey from bag and discard marinade. Heat oven to 350*. Place turkey in a large roasting pan. Cook the turkey for 2 to 3 1/2 hours depending on size. (The larger the turkey the longer the cooking time.) Baste as necessary.
For more great recipes visit Two For Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesdays, What's Cooking Wednesday and Tuesdays at the Table.
We previewed it last week along with a different stuffing recipe. The stuffing was only so-so, but the turkey was amazing! So juicy and delish! It was really very simple. The hardest part was finding a bag it fit in. Thank goodness for bigger ziploc bags!
I used a turkey breast when I made it and will probably do the same again for the holiday, but you can easily marinate a smallish whole turkey.

Marinated Turkey
2 cups water
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
1 cup soy sauce
2/3 cup lemon juice
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. pepper
1 small turkey or turkey breast (6-14 lbs.)
Combine all the ingredients except the turkey in a large resealable bag. Reserve 1 cup for basting. Add the turkey and seal bag; turn to coat. Refrigerate overnight, turning several times.
Remove turkey from bag and discard marinade. Heat oven to 350*. Place turkey in a large roasting pan. Cook the turkey for 2 to 3 1/2 hours depending on size. (The larger the turkey the longer the cooking time.) Baste as necessary.
The only way to be absolutely sure that your turkey is fully cooked is to use a quality meat thermometer. Interior breast meat should be 170°F and 180°F for thigh meat.
For more great recipes visit Two For Tuesday, Tempt My Tummy Tuesdays, Tasty Tuesdays, What's Cooking Wednesday and Tuesdays at the Table.
Halloween Highlights 2010
What a great night! It was chilly, but calm and sunny. I'll gladly take the chill during trick or treating if it doesn't come with rain or that evil white stuff.
It was weirdly not that busy, crowded or whatever you want to call it. There were families out, but I've seen it far busier. Maybe because it was a Sunday?

It was weirdly not that busy, crowded or whatever you want to call it. There were families out, but I've seen it far busier. Maybe because it was a Sunday?
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